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Administrative Law Research

Primary and secondary sources for finding rules, proposed rules, agency activity, including decisions, and presidential documents.

Federal Register - Links

Federal Register

Agencies act in a legislative-like capacity when promulgating rules and regulations. The entire process of agency rulemaking is documented in the Federal Register.

The Federal Register  is the official daily publication.  It most of the important summary, explanatory and documentary information on a rule. Printed every business day, with about 80,000 pages per year. 

Daily issues contains:

  • Contents and Preliminary Pages
  • CFR Parts Affected
  • Final Rules & Regulations
  • Proposed Rules
  • Notices
  • Presidential Documents
  • Corrections

California Regulatory Notice - Links

California Regulatory Notice Register

The California Regulatory Notice Register (Notice Register or Z Register) contains notices of proposed regulatory actions by California state agencies to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations contained in the California Code of Regulations (CCR). It is similar to the role of the Federal Register.

A state agency must complete its rulemaking and submit the rulemaking file to the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) within one year of the date of publication of a "Notice of Proposed Action" in the Notice Register. The OAL publishes the Notice Register every Friday. Unlike the Federal Register, California regulations are not normally published in the Notice Register, meaning that until they are codified in the California Code of Regulations they must be obtained from the individual agencies or elsewhere.