In order to obtain a license to practice law, law school graduates must take and pass the bar exam for the particular jurisdiction in which they seek to practice. Typically, a bar exam is a 2-day examination consisting of substantive essay questions, performance test(s), and 200 multiple-choice questions. The exam is usually administered every February and July, typically during the last week of the month on a Tuesday and Wednesday. This is subject to change depending on the jurisdiction.
This guide provides study resources for the MPRE, California Bar Exam, and Uniform Bar Exam. It also provides resources specific to strategy and planning, as well as wellness resources that may be useful during this stressful period.
Many of the resources available on this guide require students to access the UCI Law VPN. Alumni can access these resources using the VPN until August 1 of your graduation year. Contact Law IT if you have issues with VPN access before August 1.