First read Rule 15 carefully and check your citation to make sure you're using the correct edition. Then search for books or other treatises in Melvyl.
Tip for scanned books: Many books—especially older titles that are out of copyright—are available online in specialty research systems like ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online), MoML (Making of Modern Law), and HeinOnline. Search by title and author to find links to these system from Library Search at
If your book is at the UCI Law Library - you or someone else from your journal should come to the Law Library and pull it off the shelves, and bring it to the front desk. Let staff know it's for the journal; we'll transfer it to the journal account, add it to the Law Library/Law Journal spreadsheet, and hold it behind the front desk so all members can use it.
If your book is at another UCI library - you or someone else from your journal will go to that library, check it out with a personal card, and bring it back to the Law Library front desk. Let staff know it's for the journal; we'll transfer it to the journal account, add it to the Law Library/Law Journal spreadsheet, and hold it behind the front desk so all members can use it.
Ask a law librarian about books that you can't find in a catalog.